As part of the celebration of the Day of State Symbols, a grandiose event took place in the capital's Astana Triathlon Park, that is the city strongman competition "Tolagai". It is dedicated to the popularization of Kazakh heroes and ethno-games. The Tolagai strongman competition, which brought together 11 athletes, became a real test of strength, endurance, and national pride.

Competitors competed in five exciting events including iron neck bending, rock lifting, heavy log placing on the back of their head, cargo cart towing, and javelin throwing. These tests not only reflect centuries-old national traditions but also serve as an indicator of the high level of training and strength of our athletes.

The organizers note that the Tolagai competition has been held for the second year in a row to demonstrate the skills of Kazakh wrestlers on the world stage. Timur Spatayev, the initiator and author of the project, emphasized the importance of this event as a qualifying stage for participation in the V World Nomad Games, scheduled for September. This allows our athletes to prove themselves and defend the honor of Kazakhstan on the international stage.

Zhannur Mautan won first place in the competition, then Kanat Tokkulov and Birzhan Shaimerden won second and third places, respectively. Zhannur Mautan will represent Kazakhstan at the upcoming V World Nomad Games, demonstrating a high level of training and the spirit of a real fighter.

The Tolagai strongman competition continues to serve as a powerful tool in the development of mass sports and the popularization of the national heritage of Kazakhstan.