In anticipation of the 5th World Nomad Games, which will be held in September in Astana, Kazakhstani athletes are preparing for kokpar and kok boru at training camps in the Almaty region.

“Within the framework of the WNG, kokpar and kok boru competitions will be held. The athletes are currently at a good level of training. I can call teams from Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan strong rivals. If we count on winning in kokpar, then in kok boru the teams have half a chance. We have not played kok boru for several years, but we are doing everything possible to perform well, and we are preparing for both kokpar and kok boru,” said Akylbay Mankeyev, head coach of the national kokpar team of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Member of the national kokpar team Nauryzbay Kaltayev spoke about the preparation for the Games and named the main differences in the two sports.

"Preparation for the 5th World Nomad Games is at a high level. The differences between the two sports are in the number of halves, that is in kok boru there are three, in kokpar are two. The "gate" in kok boru is the kazandyk, and in kokpar is a circle drawn on the ground," said member of the kokpar team Nauryzbay Kaltayev.

12 riders from each of the two teams take part in the kok boru competitions. The Kokpar Federation has attracted experienced consultants to prepare the athletes. The training camps are organized with the support of the Center for National and Equestrian Sports of the Ministry of Tourism and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Let us remind you that the Republican Kokpar Federation is part of the Association of National Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In addition, the Association includes the federations of baige, audaryspak, sadak atu, zhamby atu, tenge ilu, kusbegilik, asyk atu, "JORYQ" and others. The Association of National Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan is headed by Islambek Salzhanov. 

It is worth noting that the 5th World Nomad Games will be held on September 8-13. It is expected that about 2,000 participants will take part in the event. The general sponsor of the 5th World Nomad Games is the domestic technology company ALAGEUM ELECTRIC, and the main partner is the country's backbone universal commercial bank, that is Halyk Bank. At the World Nomad Games in Astana, 97 sets of medals will be contested in 21 sports.